Prayer Times
Prayer times in Aberdeen
There are different valid and acceptable methods in prayer times. Aberdeen Mosque and Islamic Centre currently follow Wifaqululama in prayer times.
Fajir at the usual time when persistent twilight, 18 degrees
Isha and Fajir in summertime, Outside of persistent twilight;
(May-August Aberdeen city)
Prayers and fasting times at these days (1 May - August Aberdeen city) are estimated and not definite due to the absence of dawn for Fajir and twilight for isha . Fajir can be prayed at any time from 1:28 and before sunrise. Isha time is also estimated. Some combine it with Magrib and others pray it after around 50 minutes / one hour or more.
Nisf ul Layl/ middle of the night, Nearest day of the same city, Nearest location has persistent twilight, and other methods are among the valid methods that can be chosen. Aberdeen Mosque has chosen the nearest day to same city when the time of dawn was definite and has persistent Twilight.
(18 degrees) - When there is dawn
(aqrabul ayyam)_ When there is no dawn
(15 degrees) - When there is twilight
1/7th of the night _ when there is no twilight ( after around 50 minutes)
Links : https://www.wifaqululama.co.uk/highlat/