Dawah & Outreach
Dawah means “to call”. In this instance, it pertains to calling others to the cause of Allah (God). As Muslims who submit to the will of Allah, it is part and parcel of our way of life that we invite others to what we believe is the truth. For this purpose, AMIC endeavours to engage in dawah activities throughout the year so that they can show Islam and present it to non-Muslims.
Volunteers from the community have helped AMIC run their weekly Dawah stall in front of M&S on Union Street. These volunteers present Islam to the general public and engage with them in discussions regarding Islam. Pamphlets, leaflets, and books are readily available to hand over to anyone interested. If you would like to help out with this effort please complete the form below
Open Days
AMIC normally hosts open days every year to show the Masjid facilities to the general public. This is also an opportunity to hold an exhibition where anyone can come and learn about the deep connection that Islam has with Christianity and Judaism. During the open day, the Imam will normally lead one of the congregational prayers. Any guests that are present are welcome to watch. After the prayer, a Q&A session is held where visitors, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, are free to ask any question they have on their mind.
AMIC normally holds one open day in conjunction with the Muslim Council of Britain’s annual event called #VisitMyMosque, and another in conjunction with Scotland’s annual event called Doors Open Days.